
Truth is Bitter. Chocolate is Sweet. Somewhere in the middle lies me and my thoughts...


I Was Gonna Name my Child Katrina..

Guess that idea is shot.

All day, all I can think about is the horror and devastation. Usually, stuff in the news doesn't really affect me. I mean, I sympathize like any good person. But this one takes the cake. It's over the top. I am in shock... I am hurt. Worse, I am glued to the skewered coverage.

The AUC is home to so many folks from the Nawlins. I always wanted to go to Mardi Gras, The Essence Music Festival...

Well, that's a wrap.

My Friend the BBQ Master said it best.. "The city is GONE.. a city has been destroyed by a natural disaster like that since.. since.. POMPEII!!!"

Mutha fuckin POMPEII, people. I studied Latin in school. I know all about them times. POMPEII ain't around any more, man.

So today I ran into two young people from Nawlins. They told me their house is gone. Just a mere thought. They were holed up at the Embassy Suites, with just a few days' worth of clothes. No car. The nearest thing was the mall at which I worked (across the street from the hotel). They had stacks of applications in their hands.. looking for a job.

I told them I would help. Drive them where they needed to maybe go. Hopefully help them find some food that was not served complimentary. It's a bit of risk.. but they seem harmless. I talked to Nikki tonight. It was so.. normal. She didn't sound devastated. She sounded pretty adjusted actually. It was kind of funny... no, IRONIC. If I had come to Nawlins, visiting, passed her on the street.. I'm sure we would have been from 2 different worlds, paid each other no mind.

RANDOM: Who gave Ray J a third chance at an album??

I guess I'm finding a way to help in the little way that I can. I'm motherfriggin broke, living check to check. I need a job. The last thing I need is to stress about these folks, but I can't help but watch in despair. We'll see how it goes.


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