
Truth is Bitter. Chocolate is Sweet. Somewhere in the middle lies me and my thoughts...


The Analyst

I have a friend that loves some nicknames. I, myself, have gone through many. "Afghanistani" "Sniffler".. and now, "Eco!" Short for Economist.. because I analyze too damn much!

Which is true. I can analyze any personal issue to death. It's a hindrance I think, but at the same time it is what makes me special.

I guess this issue takes importance today because I've spent a whole day analyzing everything about my life's current issues... what to do, how much to spend, how to help hurricane displacements... I really could drive myself crazy.

And, of course of course of course, I analyze about my love life! Well, romantic life. Well, my intereactions with men, as there is no love and very little romance in my life right now. I think about those who came into my life in college.. people I have the chance to get to know better now. At this point in my life, it's very stupid to even worry about men. But yet, there is always a yearning for companionship. It is especially hard because I am living in a city I don't want to be in. I really don't want to get to know anyone.. I want my old friends! My old romantic interests! Some of those stories aren't over yet...


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