
Truth is Bitter. Chocolate is Sweet. Somewhere in the middle lies me and my thoughts...


Randomness dba Blogrrhea of the Mouth

I have been wanting and wanting to blog…

But not a whole lot of topics in mind. I could go the random route - which I am quite good at – but what is also hindering me is just not finding the time to post up on here.

Some people have written in their own blogs the trouble with sharing their blogs. Knowing that their friends and other loved ones read it make the blog more difficult to be free…

I have not shared this blog with anyone. Even my closest friends do not realize this exists. It is not listed on my facebook profile. Am I afraid of what people would read? No. Am I afraid of what people would think? Maybe. But I console myself with the thought that 1) What people think really doesn’t matter and 2) There is a vessel of history and knowledge and feelings people will never know. I like to think that a blog can help connect folks in this way….I always come off misunderstood, so maybe this blog could enlighten some to my nature… at least those who care. Above all, though, I want to keep this honest and truthful, and don’t want my insecurities to interfere with whatever topics I am musing.

~randomly~ I’ve always contently thought to myself “Everything I learned in life I learned from TV (NOT KINDERGARTEN! OR FROM TEDDY BEARS!). I used to be really happy to mark on the standardized tests in high school that I watched 20-30 hours of television a week (cuz you know I was making the bomb scores). How else would I have known what high school would be like (Saved By the Bell)? Or what sex involved (Real Sex)?

But TV really isn’t how it used to be. My current tv commentary is as follows:

Desperate Housewives – they really let the black family storyline bite the dust QUICKLY. Something about the fact the violent retarded guy is black bothers me. And you know he is going to assault the white girl. Must we see this on a top 10 show that isn’t Law & Order?

Grey’s Anatomy – very likely one of the best shows on tv right now. I love Cristina and Burke. I love the Nazi. I love all the minorities on the show. I hate how Izzie feel for a patient… so predictable. I’mma need the reruns to not last too much longer!

Girlfriends – I try to remember to watch. The storylines so fell off after Joan & William broke up and she did the restaurant thing. It used to be about the girls & their love lives. Now its just about the girls & their lives.

The Real World – Okay I’m embarrassed to admit I still watch this stuff. But I didn’t pay a lot of attention to the last 4 seasons… only really watched when I was bored. However, I am loving the potential of this season. Something about the cast is a bit refreshing…

ANTM – Okay I could write a whole post on this!!! But I’ll keep it short: love Furonda, love Danielle, love Joanie, loved Nnenna but now she is sucking, hate Brooke, wish Jade would suck a fat one.

Veronica Mars – I love this show! I <3 Wallace like white girls swoon for DMB. The mayor is definitely guilty… his family is definitely crazy… whoever caused the bus crash should definitely burn in hell…it will definitely be interesting to see how the show forms once V heads to college next year.
Lost – I live for the surprise endings. Because there is absolutely no use in trying to figure the stuff out. I really was wondering what ever happened to Michael, so I was very glad to see him this week.

Everybody Hates Chris – funny shit.

Wild’n Out – very funny shit. I would love to see a taping.

-----> Oh yeah, and you should definitely peep “Bumpin My Music”.. by some dude & Scarface! That’s my ish right there!


  • At 6:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Great informative post!

  • At 4:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Useful piece


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