
Truth is Bitter. Chocolate is Sweet. Somewhere in the middle lies me and my thoughts...


How are you?

I like to tell people that I might have been "raised" in the south (North Carolina, what you know about that?), but I wasn't born there. Summarily, southern hospitality doesn't come naturally. I like to open my own doors, and mind my business when walking down the street. Additionally, there is an innate part of my personality that doesn't really care how you are, and don't really feel the need to tell you how I am.

This does not apply to everyone. There are tons of people I have a vested interest in - my family, my friends, acquaintances. But there are plenty of times when "How are you?" is false and assuming. If I'm talking to you, I want to get to the meat of the dialogue - "what really going on?" I don't always see the need of the hospitable greeting. I use it when appropriate, when the conversation deems worthy. But "Whats up?" "What going down" "Hello" are all just perfectly fine greetings.

This short tirade has all stemmed from a coworker . Although we may not cross paths everyday, we usually send a short email asking work questions or chat about stuff un-work-related. I enjoy being random. I may just write something simple, like "I can't believe it stormed last night!" As a quintessential sensitive good guy (blehckk!), whatever I say cannot go ignored and he will write back something good-natured. And then he will end with "how are you?" Almost like an afterthought, yet still written so that I KNOW HE CARES. I guess I feel like our relationship doesn't need such formality. Or that we have a relationship where I don't need you to try to cross that line and see how I'm feeling at a 9 am, lunchtime, 2:30 pm… I didn't ask you how you were. You are at work, so I'm gonna assume you are alive and kicking. How does he expect me to answer? I'm menstrating so my back aches and my hair is stressing me out? So, for now, I'm going to muddle over my answer.. "fine," or "okay." Because that's really all he needs to know.


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