
Truth is Bitter. Chocolate is Sweet. Somewhere in the middle lies me and my thoughts...


The Best Compliment Ever

Received over text message on a Tuesday night @ approximately 11:30 om CST.

"You are a really cool person to know. You're what's up."

Granted, the first part I don't remember word-for-word, but it very well could have said that. The important part is the second sentence. That's the one I laughed at but loved.


Book Review: Genevieve & PREP

I've been busy indulging in my most favorite pastimes - reading. I read Genevieve over the course of 3 days, and PREP over the course of 2 days.

Geneveive - apparently pronounced ZHAWN-vee-ev the french way - is by Eric Jerome Dickey. As I was reading this book I realized he is one of my favorite authors. One of my favorite books of all time is Liar's Game. He just does a great job in creating relatable, real characters; giving them real motives and hangups, etc.

Most of his books are like most pieces of popular black fiction: about relationships. This is one is no different. It centers on a man that has started an affair with his emotive-lacking wife, Geneveive. Only as I am reading, I realize that this book is like soft porn or erotica. My GOD, the man thought & talked about sex so much, it could have been ghost-written by Zane. But the parts that weren't focused on sex were good. There were little brilliant parts that shocked you; things that the author chose to relay to the audience in a way that let you know that the characters knew these facts, but wasn't supposed to. And the simple way the facts were exposed let you know that these things were just another part of the character's lives, just as they would be ours. In the end, the book had a GREAT TWIST and was worth the read. Dickey did it again! Yea!

The other book I read was PREP. This was my third foray into white-authored fiction. I usually don't do white fiction cause I just can't relate to the hunky blond-haired hero and mousy brunnette heroine. Earlier this year I picked up The Devil Wears Prada and The Nanny Diaries in preparation for the movies. I thought PREP was going to be simple chic lit like these other two. I was definitely wrong!

Prep was like.. literature. And I don't dabble into literature quite enough! The basic story is abotu a teenager from South Bend, IN who enrolls herself into a New England boarding school. Ya'll this book was so deep. I guess there are many similarities in going to a boarding school & going to college.. the same enclosed culture that surrounds you 24/7. And I think any person-especially woman- who has ever felt anguish, self-doubt, insecurity could relate to the character. The author was so right on... maybe because I have felt the very same anxious feelings in my life I was able to appreciate it more. But this book definitely deserves its best-seller ranking.

In other news, I am slowly getting an idea of what maybe I should do with my life. My problem is that I don't want to feel "maybe."


Randomness dba I'm Still Alive

I probably would blog more if it wasn't for the internet connection of my personal computer.

Been going through things... what else is new.

Been watching the 4400 today... I love that show!

I took an afternoon out this week to watch MTV Jamz and catch up on videos...a task I really haven't done in like 10 months. I was so out the loop, especially since Dallas radio SUCKS. My Hot Shit List: Bumpin my Music (Ohio rep!), Go Head w/ Nelly's people, Promiscuous - Nelly Furtado, I'm Bossy - Kelis (ya'll know that will be the cut, at least till Beyonce releases hers.. diamonds on my neck! Diamonds in my grill!). Maybe even a lil love for that Do It To It song by Cherish, although I can't stand lil skinny black girls who dress the way they do. As for white people music, I am loving Move On & I Write Sins Not Tragedies.

One thing I've learned this year is that nothing makes you miss your friends even more than actually seeing them.

If I could look into a crystal ball... all of my problems would be solved.