
Truth is Bitter. Chocolate is Sweet. Somewhere in the middle lies me and my thoughts...


The End of an Era

I just sent to a bunch of people I know telling them I have "officially" changed my email address. Over the past year, I've been bouncing around.. I have two AOL emails, one yahoo, and then I use my work email since I can't log on to neither AOL nor Yahoo at work.. (lol, don't ya love it?).

So last week I signed up for gmail, to check it out. Most importantly, the email had to be accessible by my phone applications. Luckily, gmail has the perfect application - so insted of actually logging on the the Sprint Web, I just run an application.

I knew I would keep gmail the minute I signed up. But I hesitated spreading the word.

I've had my AOL email (and IM name) for years now. I want to say seven. And before that I had a different email.. we've been with AOL I want to say since '95/'96. Me giving up my beloved email moniker.. it's like the end of an era. Although the name will live on on AIM, it's still a little sad... and I kinda do hope someone keeps emailing me there.

(insert tear drop).


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