Above all, I enjoy a good conversation. However, they are hard to come by recently. I recently had a really good IM conversation.. like one that went on for over an hour! A definite rarity.
Learned a lot and learned once again, that truth is bitter.
Anotha1: Never.really.had.female.friends Anotha1: Tellin.u.man.I.aint.normal Anotha1: Always.felt.too.much.sexual.tension.between.me.and.my.female.friends Tea: so, i can't just have this deep long as convo with you and not pretend it didn't happen Tea: lol Anotha1: For.real Tea: you must care for some females more that others.. Anotha1: I've.always.had.a.way.with.women Tea: okay, no need to blow yourself up Anotha1: Ever.sense.I.was.little.even.female.teachers Anotha1: I'm.just.venting Tea: what! even teachers.. crazy! Tea: so after all this talk.. it changes nothing? Anotha1: Okay.I'm.talkin.to.this.girl.who.goes.to.gstate Anotha1: But.she's.not.special Tea: then why you talkin to her? she must have something Anotha1: I.know.that's.what.u.been.waitin.to.hear Tea: yes.. :D Anotha1: Nope.just.a.random.relationship Tea: like.. why. there must have been something that attracted u Anotha1: Purely.physical.but.now.I.don't.be.wantin.to.do.it.all.the.time.and.she.be.stressin.me Tea: hm. that ain't good. just tell her it's not working out and to leave u alone. be honest. every nigga is too scared to be simple and honest about it. Anotha1: And.I.know.I'm.just.going.to.end.up.hurting.her.and.I.don't.want.to Anotha1: Its.not.that.simple.wit.me Tea: if you do what i say, it will be simple and less hurtful. the worst in when a person just ups and stops talking to you Anotha1: I.know. Anotha1: But.its.hard.to.stop.talkin.to.someone.and.try.to.explain.why.and.you.don't.know.yourself Anotha1: Not.easy. Anotha1: Especially.if.your.doin.it.so.u.won't.hurt.them.later Tea: yeah but it's good enough to be real about it and just say you don't want it anymore. when people just end it with no explanation, its like they didn't value it in the first place. just saying it is way more respectful, and really more mature. Tea: but no one is every up front about that stuff. and so it's a never ending cycle our generation participates in Anotha1: Like....I'm.hurtin.u.a.little.now.so.I.won't.hurt.u.a.lot.later.understand.good.seeyah Anotha1: Like.I'm.starvin.myself.now.so.I.won't.have.to.shit.later Anotha1: It.doesn't.make.sense Tea: it's not about the hurt, though. its a bout a relationship that isn't working. of course its gonna hurt but those things always hurt so who cares? its life Anotha1: So.why.have.them Tea: i think you are building it up to be too much. yall just fucking or whatever it is. you don't want to do it anymore. end story Tea: u said so yourself that she wasn't special. i think the point is to have them with people who are special Anotha1: No.man.its.never.that.simple. Tea: then it's going to be a bit more worth it (even if you get detached in the end) Anotha1: You.think.you.would.have.been.cool.wouldn't.have.asked.no.questions.and.just.said.aight. Anotha1: There.is.no.simple.end.story Tea: it is! maybe i'm just cynical but it is. i'm never going to take a relationship to be more than that from now on. unless ya'll are serious (which you all aren't) it's a given that its simple: we are into each other while its good; as soon as we lose interest it's over. that's the way relationships are nowadays Anotha1: T.ur.not.being.real
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