
Truth is Bitter. Chocolate is Sweet. Somewhere in the middle lies me and my thoughts...


First, Last & Now

Can't really decide on what to blog about.. came across this and I'm a sucka for surveys..

First job: Cashier @ Rose's Discount Store, Summer '99
First screen name: AngryViewr. Thought it was pretty nifty, off of the old MTV show 12 Angry Viewers
First funeral: My grandfather, November 2000
First pet: Fish, of course
First piercing: Ears, 1990
First tattoo: On leg, 2001
First credit card: Some Visa I got freshman year
First kiss: In my boyfriend's eclipse outside of FunFunFun, lol. October '99
First enemy: I love my sisters so much at times I hate them.

Last car ride: Riding somewhere with my aunt and cousins
Last kiss: May 2005. How sad is that?
Last movie watched: Coach Carter
Last beverage drank: Water
Last food consumed: Spaghetti
Last phone call: To TNKM
Last time showered: This morning
Last CD played: 2005 Spring Break Mix #2
Last website visited: I stole this from

Single or taken: Single
Gender: Female
Birthday: 01.29
Sign: Aquarius*
Siblings: Older and younger sisters
Hair color: Dark brown
Eye color: Dark brown
Shoe size: 7.5
Height: 5'3
Wearing: An Old Navy thermal and comfy pants
Thinking about: Constantly wondering the meaning of life.

Feel free to post your own in comments, steal, whatever.


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