
Truth is Bitter. Chocolate is Sweet. Somewhere in the middle lies me and my thoughts...


Change It All

I'm not much of a "music" person. I buy approximately one CD a year. I don't have a burner on my computer, so I have to be really pressed about an album to bug someone to burn me one. It's actually kind of embarassing, with hip-hop being the essence of our generation. I even took a class on hip-hop; a few weeks into it, I realized I was definitely NOT a hip-hop head, and never will be. But I'm not a neo-soul junkie, rock lover or Celine Dion fan either. I just enjoy what's good, what's hot.

I honestly can't remember the last time I bought a CD. But last night I decided to treat myself and cop the one album I've been sweating, the one songstress my soul has been achin to hear...


I am so proud to have actually purchased two of her albums! Of course, the first one got messed up then subsequently lost. It broke my heart, because it was one of those Insert CD, Let it Play types of albums where you just sit and listen to tracks 1-13.

And to think, I would have never known if it weren't for Chewbacca back in 2003 giving me a listed to "Closer." Have you ever had a song move you at your core? This song did and repeatedly does for me. I'm not one who readily connects with music, but this song connects for some reason. Luckily, it's a bonus track on her new album, Change It All.

Goapele really makes me want to be from the West Coast, krumpin and shit. You just listen and know she is a special spirit. However, it is my goal to one day spread my knowledge and cop all the other good neo-soul music out there... maybe even dab into some house/down-tempo stuff.

So what do you recommend?


  • At 1:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    re house/downtempo: there are dj's that put out stuff that you should really hear ... the compliations hit a pretty good spectrum in terms of 'music of the diaspora,' so to speak.

    -gilles peterson (has a bbc radio1 show you can check out online, prolific)

    -dj spinna

    -rich medina


    -king britt

    there are several others out there. it's good music.


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