
Truth is Bitter. Chocolate is Sweet. Somewhere in the middle lies me and my thoughts...


Little Known Movies That Little Know I Love

Movies that get little love...At least from a black person!

Think about it. Every black person loves Love & Basketball, The Wood, or The Best Man. Friday and Coming to America are classics. But we do love and admire other films.. right? According to the Facebook pulse, the only predominantly white movie Spelmanites list as their favorite is The Notebook (which was a damned good movie). So here is a short compilation of random movies I like, or hold fond memories of.

GREASE. 8th grade, finally saw it. Maybe downloaded a lyric or two (or all) of the songs....what can I say? I love a musical, and maybe admired the good girl turned bad motif?

HOCUS POCUS. I'm not one to watch movies twice in a weekend, but I remember seeing this when I was young...I liked it so much I think I watched it three times in a weekend. Just a really fun movie, even now that I'm grown. SJP is a witch, Bette Midler is a witch, and they are pretty funny. Course I haven't watched it in about 5 years...but I'm sure.. still funny.

URBAN COWBOY. Another Travolta flick I saw sometime in high school. I really enjoy this simple film for some reason. It's country, its Texas, they live in a trailer. Reminds me of North Carolina living. The movie has enough drama to star Vivica (as the bitch slapped wife) and Ving (as the bitch slapping boyfriend).

FREEWAY. I saw this when it originally aired on HBO. Instant classic in my household. Something about hicks that strike a cord with us I guess? Reese Witherspoon explodes into the hollywood scene with this one. Her character is just straight psycho, but you love it! Keifer Sutherland is classicly creepy. I think Selma Blair is a jailhouse chick...Another dark, disturbing comedy perfect for the fam!

FOOTLOOSE. This is like, almost a musical and I love it! And Kevin Bacon. Yes, a black girl in love with some Kevin Bacon. This is about a big city boy who moves to this backwards ass town that plays no rock music. Now it falls on Kevin's jaunty shoulders to free the young people of the town and make them dance! dance! dance! Nah, it's really an entertaining a way, gives you a greater appreciation of the expression we call dance.

SHE'S HAVING A BABY. Another Kevin Bacon film, but way lesser known. I think his wife is the Breakfast Club darkhaired chick. Don't know why I ADORE this film. It's just a smart film. Kevin Bacon is a newlywead buppy, adjusting to life as a young adult. They live in the NY Metro Area. Love it.

ELECTION. This film is tooo funny. For all those who enjoy dark, witty comedies, and love to see Ferris Bueller grown up.

DROP DEAD FRED. Okay, were me and my sister the only ones who have seen this? It seems to be an obscure film... a woman who's crazy ass imaginary friend comes back to befriend her as an adult. Sounds stupid, right? But the thing is.. Fred is friggin CRAZY. He cuts off her hair. Does other stupid shit. It really just sticks out as a crazy movie my sister & I always referenced...

WHEN HARRY MET SALLY. I finally saw this popular movie about 2 years ago. It gives me hope... who hasn't pondered the very questions they ask in the movie? I've learned clearly that men are incapable of creating friendships with women (yes the blame is solely on them). A resounding theme for all generations...

Now this is clearly a random list with not much thought into it. Scrape togeth $4.50, go to blockbuster, check some of these out, let me know how you feel them!

*I had more pics to upload, but I still do an old school dial up connection. Sorry!


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