
Truth is Bitter. Chocolate is Sweet. Somewhere in the middle lies me and my thoughts...


Random Ones DBA "On My Mind..."

- Georgia’s on my mind! Although I will only be doing a 48-hour hit and run a la Diddy, I will be making the most of it.

-I have no idea why my blog looks the way it does. I tried to contact Support to fix it. Who knows if they will. I can copy and paste HTML all day long, but fixing that is outside my realm.

-For all who missed it, there was a Law & Order: SVU marathon this last weekend. If you missed it, you missed out.

-I am so tired of the holiday season. It’s just big one contradiction. Spend a season in retail, and you will see what I’m talking about. It will change your views of the six weeks following Thanksgiving forever.

-My aunt persuaded me to make a list of ten things I want in the future. Material things that I want one day. I had a really hard time thinking of things. Thinking big is just not me. Damn my realistic mindset.

-The Gauntlet just isn’t poppin off. Thank goodness there will be something good tomorrow; we will finally find out who the Carver is!

-There are so many reasons I love facebook. Being an army brat, it’s been a great way to find and reconnect with so many faces. And I’ll admit I’m nosey. It’s always funny to notice when people suddenly become “single” or “in a relationship.”

-What happened to the male friend? What is wrong with the Y chromosome that they don’t know how to maintain a friendship with a female? It really is not that hard. Fuck the “tension.” True friends get over it and enjoy what you do have together, not worrying about the underlying. Really I think it all stems from the guy. That good ol’ Ladder Theory.

-Why must I wonder why? Am I the only one out there who likes to bring closure to the past, and actually confronts people to do it? I’m not talking about drama-filled confrontation, just getting the nerve to ask the simple question “why?” and “why not?”

-Christmas is never the same without Bonquisha. That’s one only for my folks from the 910 (NC). For all those who have never heard the “Bonquisha” song, you are so missing out! The worst part about it is that it doesn’t seem to be anywhere on the net.

-How do you ask your former best friend from high school if he turned out gay or not?

-Dude…people are still on Black Planet. People are still pimpin, hollerin, and caking on Black Planet. Another reason I thank God for facebook!

-Will they write about the War on Terror and Katrina in history books? Let me tell you how skewed that dang 9th grade history class was… in Canada, the kids are taught that the Canadian army helped the U.S. to win every single war the U.S. has been in. Clearly, we make no mention of this in our books. Guess it’s all in the eye of the beholder.


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