
Truth is Bitter. Chocolate is Sweet. Somewhere in the middle lies me and my thoughts...


It's the Muthafuckin' Law (& Order)!

So, last weekend I had my very own special run in with the law. Not just any law. Law & Order (insert theme here: duh-na, da-na-na-na, na, naaa).

Where I currently work, we take things in from customers to sell. About a week ago, a guy brought in an exercise machine - our most expensive item to date. The machine was on its way to be sold for $3000. That was, until, my bosses/business owners get this e-mail saying that the equipment was stolen (the very day it was to be sold). They talk to the police, and indeed, there is a full investigation going on (insert sad faces here). According to the e-mail sender, she was a former business partner with the man. They fell out, he left the business, and the day before he brought the Goods (that’s right, THA Goods) to us, he broke into her studio and stole the machine along with a bunch of other stuff. Not only can this former-wrestler move a 280-pound machine by himself, but he is said to be violent (Cue intense worry from bosses).

I don’t know why, but I laughed. I was excited. The cops were on their way to interview us, and all I could think was Damn, I wish someone was raped. See, what you don’t know is that I am a Law & Order junkie. And not just any L&O, but L&O: SVU. NBC, TNT, USA, CourtTV, I can watch it anytime, anywhere. Benson, Stabler, Munch, Finn, Huang…I love me some kidnapped kids and assaulted women. (Sidenote: I hate L&O: Criminal Intent. That one detective is such a friggin know-it-all! I am that only one that is borthered by that?) And here I was, on a normal weekday, getting my own special episode! Yessss! (Disclaimer: not meant to be insensitive, I’ve had fam that’s been raped).

Although I didn’t get to see the inside of an interrogation room, meet the DA Assistant, or the Asian psychiatrist, I did get to look at a line-up. Don’t worry, I fingered the guy. Dirty Bastard.


  • At 4:22 PM, Blogger rhwj said…

    lol. i have been trying (kinda) to get into L&O recently. i just moved into my new place and we're stealing somebody's cable. i dunno who's, but we can ge TNT, and L&O is on ALL the time. so it's either get into it, or have nothing to watch in between seinfeld and simpsons. congrats on your run-in.


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