
Truth is Bitter. Chocolate is Sweet. Somewhere in the middle lies me and my thoughts...


You Should Peep...

The Michael Baisden radio talk show, Love, Lust and Lies.

You may have heard of him. Author of the popular books The Maintenance Man, God's Gift to Women and the killer, Men Cry In The Dark. MCITD didn't really tell me why men cry in the dark... but it did expose that the have feelings just like humans should!

Love, Lust and Lies is an excellent talk show. Maybe even better than Tom Joyner & Co., maybe even better than Ryan Cameron & Co. (circa 107.9). I think what I love about it is the simplicity. Not a lot of random talk among the hosts, just Michael talking to the viewers. The best part is that it is a straight call-in just don't see that everyday on the FM dial (at least the stations I listen to). It's the host connecting directly to the audience. He plays the ever-fantastic old school jams from our parents' generation, you get to listen to your share of smart and stupid people, and you get to hear about real issues: sex, infidelity, race relations, the prision industrial complex, gold diggers... he covers it all! He even brings neo-soul acts on the air.

Find it in your area and tune in! It plays in the afternoon in my area (another reason I love it, an option out of Billboard Top 40). Check it out:


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