
Truth is Bitter. Chocolate is Sweet. Somewhere in the middle lies me and my thoughts...


(Another) Birthday Post

The traditional Birthday song, as we Americans know it, sings:

Happy Birthday to You, Happy Birthday to You,
Happy Birthday dear Yooouuu, Happy Birthday to You!

Really crunk folk might take it one step further:

How old are you now? How old are you now? Okay I really don't feel the need to be extra redundant with this one.

A thought that comes across my mind every time around this year, is what will they be singing when I'm 40? 65? 113? (my ultimate goal).

Growing up, my mother always had to throw some BLACK into the mix. Spice up the song a little. Most years, once the traditional song was sung, she'd go right into the National Black Birthday Song (like that title? Yeah I made it up):

Haaaappy Birthday to Ya.(insert soul clap).. Haaaappy Birthday to Ya.(insert soul clap).. Haaaaappy Biiiirrrthday!

Later on, I realized that was that song was popularized in getting Dr. King's birthday as a national holiday. But to me, it was the "updated and hip" way to sing Happy Birthday.

As kids, we may have gone the silly route...

Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, you smell like a monkey, and you look like one too!

HaahaahaahhaaNO. I think if a kid sung that at MY kid's party, I'd whoop that ass right there. Ain't NO ONE messing up my (future) babies' party!

I know kids still say it, as I've been to a few kid parties in the last year. Even weirder, though, is what my young cousins like to sing. My cousin swears that's what they sing at school, but I really think he went to a party at Chik-Fil-A... But who really HAS a (whack ass) party at Chik-Fil-A??? The song basically ends:

Happy Birthday to you! EAT! MORE! CHICKEN!

And yes, that shit is yelled at the top of your lungs. And the kids think its hilarious.

A few years ago, the way we sing a birthday song was changed equivocally. You know what I'm talking about:

Go, go, go Go Shawty, It's ya Birthday
We gonna party like, it's ya Birthday
Gonna sip Bacardi like, it's ya Birthday
You know we don't give a fuck cuz it's ya Birthday!

On your birthday, someone is singing it to you, or at the very least you are singing it to yourself. Getting crunk in the middle of class, doing a little shimmy or butt shake in ya seat. Nodding your head little cuz shit...

It's ya Birthday!

And I think that is what we of my generation will be singing at 40... 65... even getting a little crunk at 113.

So I guess I may actually owe 50 a thank you for that one..

On second thought, hell nah, it's my birthday (biaaatch!)


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