
Truth is Bitter. Chocolate is Sweet. Somewhere in the middle lies me and my thoughts...


My Hate Affair with Mary Jane

In high school, the weed smokers were the mostly the kids with no future, and a handful of alterna-boys in the AP classes. Funny thing, all those boys went on to NC State and UNC.

I had imagined college would be full of activist pseudo-intellectuals, studying by day, partying by night, and having no time for drugs. Boy was I wrong! I quickly found out what it truly meant to be a pothead. I even was more surprised by the fact that some folks sold the drugs themselves. Let's not even start on the women who smoke!

Over the years, I of course came into contact with folks who frequented the need for green. However, for whatever reasons, my close friends - men and female - have never been drug users (at least outside of caffeine and alcohol). Back in Junior Year, I was fairly close with my dorm brother. I was surprised (wow.. I'm surprised...again...surprise!) to find out that during the summer when he had no car and stayed at home.. he stayed high. My 03-04 more-than-a-crush-less-than-a-boyfriend ended up admitting that he socially smoked (if it was anything like he socially drinked, it couldn't have been good). My fall 04 relationship was the biggest weedhead yet. He definitely hit the blunt at least twice a week. It's been a year since, and now he smokes almost daily. He has confided that he wants to stop, but can't. I see it as a crutch he always falls back on...

People seem to smoke for two main reasons...boredom and stress-relief. I can understand why a 20-year-old may dabble in it socially for a while. However, there is absolutely no reason for a man or woman over the age of 25 to be relying on weed. I say relying because that's what people do. It is their addiction, just like chewing gum and reality TV. Between the waste of money some people lay out for it, the hiding it from family, the unpleasant aroma that can be hard to shake... why do people go to such lengths to get high?

Four years ago I may have been a little open to trying it, just once. But clearly, that time has passed. To me, the whole act is a waste, an idle effort of an idle mind, especially for those who toke regularly, and even worse....toke alone! (side note: is toke a relevant verb to use?)

I think my major problem with it is that the people who I personally know who smoke a lot don't have their lives together. Some folks may argue that hey, even Puffy, Jay-Z, maybe even Beyonce smoke! But my rebuttal is that they have their lives together, they have money and are making money... what are you doing? Sitting at home at 3:00 in the afternoon, smoking a blunt...

To Sum Up: I have a very low tolerance for those who pursue weed as a hobby. We all have problems, but weed is not the answer.


  • At 12:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    If you want to talk about addition and drug mis-use, don't forget the five million kids dozed on Ritalin, the 15-20 million on SSRIs, the 14 million who go to Starbuck's every day, the 22 percent of high school students who are cigarette smokers, or the millions of alcoholics (who tend to be more outright dangerous than the potheads). Or the corruption of law enforcement, needless jailing of harmless people, or other crime that results from the foolish drug policies we have now.


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